You’re a business owner and you’ve always been pretty sharp on computers. Why do you need to hire me? Well, let me see if I can give you a few reasons.

For one, you’re a business owner. Your job is making your business as successful as possible. Keeping all the wheels turning, keeping all the joints lubricated, so to speak. Drumming up new business. Making sure your employees are doing their jobs. Making sure your customers are happy. You don’t have time to mess with computers. Computers are overhead. You don’t want to waste your time on overhead. You want to put someone else to work on that. It doesn’t matter where you live, whether it’s Bentonville, Rogers, Avoca, Peerage, Centerton, Decatur, Gentry, Siloam Springs, Gravette, or any other community in the Northwest Arkansas area. We’re even talking about Springdale and Fayetteville and Greenland and Mountain Verge and Winslow and West Fork. All of these communities have businessmen like yourself who are busy, too busy to mess with computers.

And even if you do have time to mess with computers, do you know about threats from the outside? You know about ransomware. somewhere. Do you know about securely connecting to your office? No. These are all specialties that you have to stay on top of. That’s why I continue to renew my education on a daily basis as far as tech is concerned. That’s why I stay on top of things. I protect your network like it’s my own. And if anyone attempts to hack it, I take that personally. That’s why I take precautions to ensure that your network and your devices connected to your network are safe. I also make sure that your files are backed up securely.

I don’t trust Microsoft’s OneDrive. I’ve seen businesses brought to their knees by OneDrive doing things that it shouldn’t do.

That’s why I use my own backup service. My backup service is predictable, reliable, and secure. It works and you don’t even notice that it’s going on.

Why else should you hire me to take care of your IT infrastructure? Well, how patched are your systems?

One of the services I offer is to log in every Sunday morning and make sure that your servers are fully patched. If you don’t do this, you can get behind. And sometimes a patch doesn’t work. And when that’s the case, then you have to figure out what went wrong and you have to fix it. Because if you miss one Windows patch when you’re running Windows Server, typically you can’t do any more updating after that. And it’s not long before your server has more security holes in it than Swiss cheese. So, you need me.

The good news is, I am priced very reasonably. You might be very shocked to find out what it costs to have me obsessively, compulsively watching your network for you. It’s not as much as you think. Bye. Of course, what you pay me is a tax write-off. That’s another good reason to hire a consultant, hire an expert.

Suppose something breaks and you need somebody immediately. Who are you going to call? Well, if you have a maintenance arrangement rather, you’ll call me. And odds are, I can be there instantly. If not, I can remote in. The main reason you want to hire me to take care of your IT infrastructure is so that you don’t have to worry about it. You don’t have to lay awake at night worrying about hackers, worrying about phishing, worrying about ransomware. Those are my worries now. Let me take care of them for you.

Another reason why you want to go with Bald Guy IT Consulting is because I, like you, like to spend money.

You’re going to need IT equipment. If you have me spec it out for you, you’re going to get it at a much lower price than a consultant who just goes with retail. I also have my own connections to buy equipment inexpensively. And I know when you can go with refurb versus when you must buy new. So we’re not going to be buying any new equipment unless we have to. The majority of the time, I’m going to find you refurb equipment at a fraction of the cost that new equipment will cost. Hit you with, and you will end up with reliable IT infrastructure at a cost that won’t bring you to your knees financially.

Sometimes we can upgrade your existing equipment. For example, if you’re still running a spinning hard drive, let me get you converted to a solid state drive and see an instant boost in speed that will make you think you just got a new computer. Your RAM may not be matched out. It may be that a very reasonable investment suddenly gives you a lot more RAM and a lot more speed and reliability on your desktop PC. Your server may be running an operating system that’s no longer supported. If that’s the case, I can either upgrade you to a newer server, or perhaps we can just do an operating system upgrade on your existing server and buy you years more time. You know that money is tight. I don’t like to spend it.

So hire bald guy IT consulting and allow me to save you money by making very smart business decisions as to what sort of equipment you need.

The first thing I will do is come in and go over your IP layout. You’re probably going to need me to fix some things up front in order to give you some basic security and stability. Once we get past that, then you’re not going to see me very often unless I have to be there. I’ll be doing most of my work remotely. I will be monitoring everything going on, devices on the network. Outages, things like that, from my home office. It’s gonna be like a benevolent big brother is looking over your shoulder and confirming that everything is fine.